It's been quite a wonderful day today. What a blessed Friday^^
Mochi is made from steamed glutinous rice pounded into sticky dough, stuffed with sweet fillings such as crushed nuts, and molded into ball shape. Sedappp~
After 4 months of struggling, my research finally shows good progress. To point things out, I'm amongst the earliest who managed to complete the research proposal. Regrettably, I'm amongst the last who can really work on it smoothly.. We've tried lots of things; altering here and there on the procedures and materials, repeating the experiment so, so, so many times and today, the result of the specimen put a smile on me.Now we already found the appropriate method, we can start working thoroughly. Alhamdulillah^^
Dr Hakim asked me to give him a treat as Malaysia won against Indonesia during the AFF Suzuki. I believe I should really buy him something, but as for the second thought: "Eish.. Tak malu minta girl belanja.."
He had been doing half of my experiment and being very, very patient with me all this while. Terima kasih Doktor. Allah rewards you best, Insya Allah^^
Ain invited me to join Daurah held by her usrah members. I'm not very clear what Daurah is all about actually. Ain said there will be Taklim and we will spend one night together. It sounded like Keluar Tabligh to me..
I'm having a paper to sit next Tuesday that I'm actually pretty hesitated about it. Notwithstanding, my heart leaps sky high upon the invitation, so I'm going~
I don't have "proper" pyjama for this kind of sleep over.. Nanti "ustazah2" marah. Hoo.. Next time must put long sleeve pyjama in the shopping list!
I'm having a paper to sit next Tuesday that I'm actually pretty hesitated about it. Notwithstanding, my heart leaps sky high upon the invitation, so I'm going~
I don't have "proper" pyjama for this kind of sleep over.. Nanti "ustazah2" marah. Hoo.. Next time must put long sleeve pyjama in the shopping list!
bless u..2.3 has been postponed to 7 jan :)
klu alia tau postpone ikut gak.but nway,got some women's syndrome going on :P
tu lah . Alhamdulillah..
And alia, happy berblogging. Hee=)
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