"pqa, dah tak tulis blog ke?"
I remembered being such a chatterbox telling her lots of stories during my childhood.. Mulut banyak, sampai cikgu nak staple.. Huhu.. I've been to science boarding school since I was 13, till 17.. Then continue to stay outside for my A Level and now here.. Guess the only time I truly, deeply am entertaining Emak with my talks was during my childhood..
April 26: I bought a scooter.. Finally~ It's great to have another BIG thing bought totally by my own money.. Skip about the flight tickets or 2 years house payment or this and that expenses; this is the 2nd pride for me after my 7 million laptop bought during the end of my 1st year.. Rasa bangga sikit dengan diri sendiri. Alhamdulillah:')
To add for the good of it, I don't have to walk back to forth of campus and home, can avoid from getting migraine or photo-sensitivity, and I can go to places without having had to pay much on the taxi or burdening others:)
Nevertheless, bad thing is: I am officially "kekurangan duit" (i.e I'm broke. Wuuu~)
I've been trying to do some "job".. Sounds funny.. But I truly actually highly determine over it.. I sell kek batik and muffins *not really a muffin, i guess. with the shape which is actually for puddings, and the decorations which are actually for cupcakes..huhu*
Tak banyak untung pun.. Tapi tak pelah..
A little to gratify, that day Lennad, Clem2, and Alia was talking about having a Kek Batik competition of which Lennad used my recipe for such^^

Well.. Been having terrible, hot fever. It comes with chilling and all I could remember is pain. pain. pain.. Allah bless me to have such a wonderful housemates, spending hours to look after me.. Massaging, wiping me up with wet towel, feeding me food, and even put on wudhuk for me.. A healthy me is truly a mangada- ngada girl, I can't explain more how much more I become when I'm sick..... Terima kasih housemates yang disayangi :')
*Mungkin blog ni dah macam mak cik penjual kuih punya je.. Abaikan. Huhu*