Quite a number of people asking for the recipe that I've been thinking to put the recipe here before. But hesitate as I believe many already know how to make it.. But then, I don't think there's anything wrong about this.. Many people put their recipe online, no matter how easy it is, no matter they are truly a chef or housewife, let be men or women.. Plus, I know many people who like to search recipes on the net.. May be mine can contribute to anyone out there:)
- Marie biscuits (around 300- 350g)
- 2 sachets of 3 in 1 milo (total around 60g)
- 1 cup of plain water (i usually make it half)
- half cup to 1 cup of cocoa powder
- 3/4 (three quarters) cup of sugar
- half packet of butter/ margarine *i usually use margarine. it's cheaper. don't worry, the taste will be just fine:)*
- eggs ( 1 or 2, any is okay)
- the measurement for cocoa powder, milo, and sugar are subjects to change. alter it depend to how u like the taste to be:)
- some people like their cake to be little harder.. so can decrease the butter n the water, n also by chilling the cake longer:) or the other way round:)
- egg is actually not a compulsory. it's my extra, additional ingredients:)

- break the marie biscuits into 3, 4, or 5.. put aside.. *please.. not crushing them*
- prepare the egg. stir them a bit, then put aside.. *no need to stir "sampai kembang".. we are not making anything fluffy like real cake or what..*
- put cocoa, milo, sugar, n water together into the pan.
- then turn on the fire *moderate fire*, stir the mixture till the sugar are all melt, n all mixed together..
- then put the butter/ margarine, stir till all melting..
- finally put the egg. stir for a minute, then turn off the fire.*remember, u r not cooking the egg...*
- now put all the biscuits into the pan, mix them together, make sure all the biscuits are covered with the chocolate..
- then transfer them into the container.. press them well, then put into the refrigerator for 3 to 5 hours. u can take it out earlier, depend on the texture u want.. nak lembut sikit or keras sikit:)
Simple, right? Trust me, later when this is at ur fingertips, you'll love doing it again and again as despite it's easy to make, it really is YUMMY^^
*I don't really do this often actually cuz the type of cocoa powder n biscuits marie I usually use are quite expensive.. at least, to me, they are expensive.. huhu*